Pin-Striped Sweater Tee ~ The Pattern

Pin-Striped Tee

click to go to post about this project

I just wanted to get over this hump and submit this pattern today, though I only decided to get down to it, and polish the draft at noon. Its now 4 o’ clock and Emma is quite gloomy because we haven’t walked since Wednesday, and that was two days ago.

Okay, so where is this pattern you might ask???

Why on my pattern page right up there in the patterns menu, or just click  right here

But also you can see it on Ravelry in my pattern store here.

So, whats all this exhausting business of knitting pattern prototypes, and writing patterns? I have had little rest, you’d think I’m obsessed ! ( I guess I can’t hide the fact very well. ) I am actually looking forward to posting about something mundane again, like a picture post of a lovely walk in the woods, or something from my garden (which is doing quite well, with more tomato plants than I’ve ever had before), or just some knitting related Object d’ Arte about the house. But for now, if you’ll excuse me, Emma and I have a walk to do !

4 thoughts on “Pin-Striped Sweater Tee ~ The Pattern

    • Actually Lizzi, it’s so hot and dry out now, and though the ticks seemed to have receded into the shadows , the stickers and burrs are now a nuisance. I’m going to be doing mostly walking down the dirt lanes around here, and avoiding the ridge. I want Autumn already. Scotty, beam me to October ! 🙂 xx

    • Hello Lorraine, and thank you so much ! I am very excited about your tees, being the first two , you have earned a big round of applause ! When I make my little celebratory video , I will flag you down… 🙂 Now I’m off to see your project page. Thanks again ! xx

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